Aero 5270 v 1.1 By MaStErHACk- 3 Styles: Vista Startmenu 32: For use with the normal iconsize, no icons and usericon on the right side. Vista Startmenu 48: For use with the big iconsize, no icons and usericon on the right side. XP Startmenu: Icons and no usericon.- 1 Styler Toolbar- 5 Wallpapers- 1 WMP Skin- The used fontsDownloadWebsiteTry Download WinZix To open Zip Files.
Title : Vista XP Theme: Aero 5270 v 1.1
Description : Aero 5270 v 1.1 By MaStErHACk- 3 Styles: Vista Startmenu 32: For use with the normal iconsize, no icons and usericon on the right side. Vist...